A 3-Part Approach To Healthy Debates In A Workplace
Succeeding in an economy today comes down not just to USPs of products in a given sector, but also the optimum expertise and thinking from around the globe. Like a Swiss army knife, multiple people are brought together from myriad cultures, work experiences, purposes and perspectives on the challenges that the company faces. In the process, companies end up creating strong management teams that passionately discuss and debate options, challenge one another’s thinking, and find the optimal measures to be accounted for in the zone of probable agreement between both sides of the issues. Ensuring such debates in the workplace remain healthy and not dysfunctional comes down to the trust, emotional intelligence, and courage involved. It also involves ensuring a 3 part approach to certain ground rules. Healthy debates are those that focus on the central issue or the behaviours surrounding it ; not the people themselves. Coupled with the right collaborative too...